Jonathan Waiter needs our help.

Jonathan Waiter by Billy Kidd

On Sunday I heard the very unwelcome news of Jonathan Waiter's illness - he has been diagnosed with Lymphoma. It is very serious; it has given me pause.

Michael Donavan posted a very a heartfelt appeal on his tumblr about Jonathan. I can't seem to shake thinking about him. I've never met him; I only know him through his work - I am a fan. When this site was still a seed in my mind, I had the idea that it would show work with quality and spirit - Jonathan Waiter was specifically one of the photographers who I believed embodied that spirit. He was always supposed to weave his way through these pages - now there is the very real prospect that he won't.

I am not posting anything today but this appeal:

If you are familiar with Jonathan's work, if it has moved you and inspired you, please visit this page which has been set up to help with costs of his treatment.

We need artists. We need them to live. If we can do anything, then we must. Lymphoma can be cured; let's do what we can so that he can concentrate on getting better and his friends and family can give him the love and support he needs without having to worry about his medical expenses.