Ehren Dorsey by John Ciamillo

John Ciamillo and Ehren Dorsey took a few test photos after asking them to collaborate for The Quiet Front - Book 1 - I have loads of respect for both of them; I am excited about the potential of these two working together.

Our books are going to push creative and interesting work without asking the contributors to compromise their artistic vision. Please support us; these books really are going to be something beautiful.

The Quiet Front Book 1: Contributing Artists

I am very proud to announce the artists that will be contributing to The Quiet Front Book 1; there are of course many more artists that I would love to work with in the future but I feel like I have a wonderful spread of artists from all over the world. I feel honoured that they are involved; here they are in no particular order:

I still have a lot of work to do behind the scenes because the idea of the books is that each artist is paid for their contribution; I want this site to become a catalyst for artists to do the work they feel strongly about with no regard for commercial concerns. The brief to each artist will be very simple: Do the work you love.

We are going to run a funding campaign and we would love your support; stay tuned.

If you would like to keep on the inside track as regards to this book and all future books then you can subscribe to the newsletter (no spam, I promise).